Tolerance is a virtue.

It is a version of the golden rule in that, insofar as we want others to treat us decently, we need to treat them decently as well. It is also a pragmatic formula for the functioning of society, as we can see in the omnipresent wars between different religions, political ideologies, nationalities, ethnic groups, or other us-versus-them divisions.

We can’t talk about tolerance when it’s only to our advantage. We must also seek to possess a high sense of... respect for individuals we meet on a daily basis. This would help define how much we really know and show tolerance for others.

It amazes me when a Facebook user decides to become a friend with a particular person on social media, in most times, he/she sends the request for friendship. But on each of the person’s posts, what he concentrates on is reminding them of the weaknesses of their tribes and religions. All he does is constantly standing against “them”. I am very sure no person would appreciate such act upon his. It will be wise to see it as a matter of importance to sit back and examine how we communicate with our friends especially on Social Media platform as this would enhance our mutual co-existence.

Tolerance doesn’t really mean how your environment accepts or treats others. But by challenging the stereotypes and assumptions that they typically encounter in making decisions about others and/or working with others either in a social or a professional environment.
It is right of all human beings to respect other people’s feelings


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