Demand for good governance

Have you ever done some deep research only to realize that if you talk about it with people, they will think you are crazy? The saying that you can change the world is “unbelievably true”.

The rising number of youths according to politicians, especially after being elected in offices is a problem/ and they might be true if we use our number for thuggery, drug abuse and insulting each other- which usually ends up for the benefit of the politicians.

 But we always have a choice... to use the social media to educate ourselves rather than being internet trolls and causing nuisance here and there.

No single sector in the country is in a good shape and this alone should be very discomforting.
The people we put in positions acquire wealth that can’t be explained and we sadly turn mute. And they would be praised for the beautiful cars they drive with their families and the mansions they build for their mistresses.

Every leader must be accountable for his/her actions in office.
As the saying “there’s no pillow as soft as a clear conscience” so if a leader does what is expected of him, he should be confident that no weapon designed against him shall prosper.

Demanding for good governance isn’t a party connection. It is your rights as a citizen of this country. We must collectively take charge of the affairs in Local, States and federal levels.
We have no option rather than to unite and prove to ourselves in particular and the world in general that the future is indeed bright. Let’s win the future.

I am Comrade Sanni, and this is my opinion.


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