Know your Circle of Friends- Sanni Inuwa Baba

Most people genuinely keep friends around them, they wish to see them succeed and they are always there when assistance of any form is needed. They share every aspect of lives that concern. Unfortunately, there might be one or two of the friends that will be hell bent in discouraging them or dragging them back. It might not seem very obvious but their little sneaky words can be very effective. They have a way to strategically let you know that your dreams can’t be achieved.  

So keeping people around you who don’t see the power in you is both very dangerous and harmful. It’s very suicidal especially when you have so much love and respect for them. 

Gradually, you’ll unconsciously begin to be demotivated, hiding your potentials and eventually giving up and end of being a mediocre person. 

However, according to some research, a person is less stressed when surrounded by supportive friends. Their presence gives one a motivation and an enthusiasm to keep moving towards a positive direction. 

It is your duty to be compos mentis of each person you allow to your life. Never consider this as something to negotiate. Shikenan


  1. Well said, if a friend is not supportive and his/her present add no value to your life then that should just be someone you know.


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