Christchurch Mosque Massacred: Few lesson to be learnt

It was indeed a sad day around the world seeing how helpless men, women and children were being shot inside the mosque in Christchurch. Even More devastating for anyone who had the courage to see the video of the unfortunate situation.

In Nigeria, the scenario of such a barbaric act isn’t new. Many worshiping centers have been regularly attacked and even bombed causing so much destructions and killing hundreds of innocents souls. For a matter of fact, entire communities are continuously being wiped out.

The only difference between the two is the aftermath reactions from citizens, which would ultimately produce the kinds of response from the international community.

Apart from the New Zealand PM’s condemnations of the killings in very strong terms, she visited the scene of the attack with almost all her cabinet members, met the families of the victims and assured them of the government’s readiness for justice and vowing that such incidence would never happen again in New Zealand.

Few hours after the incidence, Mr. Erdogan of Turkey made some very sensitive comments that received international criticism. Jacinda Ardern didn’t take the comment likely and last Wednesday, she informed her citizens that she would be visiting  Turkey in the next few days. Her message was very loud and clear- the lives of her citizens are her prime concern and the unity of the people of New Zealand is a matter of great supremacy.

Some of these her actions automatically made her people to fall in line. Many news anchors and reporters in New Zealand, in solidarity, wore Hijabs; thousands of people gathered in Trafalgar Square while Adhan was being recited; some students were seen performing the “haka “ dance in front of the mosque; Biker Gangs from different parts of the country gathered to protect the worshippers a week after the massacre; same day at around 1.32 pm, NZ paused for a 2 minutes silence.

The House Homeland Security Committee has already sent invitations to the CEO’s of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft. Next week, they will appear to explain about the live stream and subsequent reuploads across their platforms.

In Nigeria however, it seems that lives have been lost to the extent that we see killings as just numbers. It can’t be seen in the front pages of newspapers because it might not be very lucrative anymore.

With the regular decimation of parts of Zamfara and Kaduna, most of us don’t even know, or we have chosen not to know. Probably we are so religious that we fold our arms and expect miracles from above.

A quote from Mark Twain “I have no race prejudice, and I think I have no color prejudices, nor caste prejudices. Indeed, I know it. I can stand any society. All I care to know is that a man is a human being—this is enough for me; he can't be any worse.”


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