Earth is on the path of environmental collapse.

"Earth has enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed."-Gandhi

Humanity is doing unimaginable damage to the environment. Human-driven climate change, loss of biosphere integrity, land system change, and the high level of phosphorus and nitrogen flowing into the oceans due to fertilizer use. If things get bad enough, we'll be just another one of the countless species to be obliterated by rising sea levels, weird climatic events, and an untenable temperature shift. We are leading to our own destruction, environmentally and politically.
Anytime coal is burned, greenhouse gases emissions are released into the atmosphere to begin eating away at the ozone layer—the precious resource which stops us from frying in the sun—and chips away at the potential longevity of livable Earth. Add preventable oil spills, drinking water contaminations, chemical explosions, and disappearing bodies of water to the mix and you've got one declining environment.
A single nuclear bomb hitting a large city would certainly wipe out an unthinkable number of people, but it probably wouldn't end civilization. However, it's the retaliation of another nuclear bomb that could do us all in. An all-out nuclear bomb off would quickly encircle the earth with devastating levels of radiation and soot, rapidly and dramatically changing the climate in such a way that it'd cause a worldwide famine, among other less-than-ideal scenarios.
A friend argued that humans can adapt due to technology, I didn’t support that because that was just a belief or his informed opinion, it’s not based on fact. Since we are not insects, there is no convincing evidence that a large mammal, with a core body temperature of 37 [degrees Celsius], will be able to evolve that quickly.
For a species with a capability for cultural, social, and technological evolution, it’s really sad and pathetic to see the gross injustice being manifested into our own shackles.
Humans are the only animals in this world who hunt for pleasure and not just for food. There have been many animals that have become extinct, as well as many others on the verge of nonexistence due to this barbaric act. Tigers, elephants, mountain gorillas, wild boars, West African black rhinoceros and many other animals are threatened because of over hunting by humans.
On daily basis, a man builds all sort of structures which require land to be cleared of trees, reclaimed from marshes, or created by cutting mountains. Hence, we completely eliminate any form of habitat within.
Earth is on the path of environmental collapse.
The human spirit of greed and arrogance is causing this once beautiful planet to turn into a graveyard. Humans are causing global warming by carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emissions from vehicles, by building nuclear power plants, using coal as an energy source, etc
Humans are the only species that had launched atomic weapons into our atmosphere as tests, (which could have ignited the hydrogen in the earth's atmosphere tearing apart the Ozone and killing every human on the planet). We have also exhausted a large percentage of the Earth's drinkable water supply and are slowly destroying the Earth's natural climate and ozone.


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