The patriots of the country are the primary.
Therefore,i consider all as my priority.
i will write by being precisely.
And not in a way to sally.
So that i wont judge so personally.
As you can see,my country is destroyed politically.
And the politicians are making sure it becomes so religiously.
Cheii..the set of people that lack sensitivity....
i don't mean all,literally.
Even though the bests are on obituary.
I have observed something recently.
Our leaders nowadays steal proudly,
and the so-called lawmakers ignore everything deliberately.
or what my friend Hafiz describes as "blindly"
They loot our money stupidly.
They act with no decency.
They are more of nonentity.
Because they destroy our reputation entirely.
They only care for themselves and their families.
So if you are not in the circle,expect no hospitality.
This situation makes the poor in a depravity.
And no one cares with our poverty.
The leaders want to live a life of a "celebrity"
Live in the latest mansions of the century.
And drive cars that are only fancy.
So this can be defined "criminally"
while we are left with poverty.
Its like a hell in my community.
No one bothers with our security.
A court was meant to ease problems usually.
When a poor guy steals a cup of garri,he will be dealt with bitterly.
and he might be sentenced for eternity.
But when a politician steals wisely,
he'll be ushered heroically.
'bura uba" this hurts me bastardly.
As u can see,no one cares of any disability.
Everyone has to use some dexterity.
And develop a means to eat,skillfully.
Even though sometimes things might be risky.
and at most time uncertainty.
Depends on how one uses his/her initiatives constructively.
A lot of youths use it dangerously.
What an irony,unfortunately.
The youths concentrating only on the currency.
imagine the shame on our faces internationally.
iskanchi….am tired of this misery


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