I will write with a care not to be called out for treason for no reason.
So I will make sure not to mention the word "revolution"
But because I'm not a coward, I will never be in seclusion.

Hence, I write with no obligation.
But, as an average Nigerian, I receive a daily "intimation"
Even though this nation is called a federation, I feel more of "marginalization"
Anyways, its because our politicians lack religious education.
So this tells why corruption is never under restriction.
So as a poor Nigerian, I fear to question.
Would you? Then, please throw up your suggestion.
However, I trust this generation.

Even though still under construction, I can see a great Nation.
With a clear vision, which its mission is a total reformation.
The corruption, bribe collection, religious and ethnic violations as well as discrimination..,we shall never share any portion.

So please make my word as a notation.
That everyone in this nation is a one big relation.
It doesn't matter the position nor location.
what matters is the political interactions.
With this population, none complains of congestion.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about perfection.

when you understand all my discussions, you'll have a clearer perception.
However, there's a huge indication in the youths in constructing the nation.
This writing is just an introduction, politicians should get ready for an invasion.
Because from now, the nation is all I will ever mention.
and like every other youth, I will stick to my determination, respect the constitution ,embrace vindications and fight against corruption.


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