Post-election and the Unity of Nigeria-Sanni Inuwa Baba

One of the most beautiful values that holds Nigeria is the ability of its citizens going through thick and thin together despite their differences.

After each elections, it is obtrusive to understand the disunity amongst Nigerians. It widens by the day. The division is so loud that one would think the country would be in flames the next day.

Most Nigerians are obtuse when it comes to the decision on who leads them. Their arguments are always on why their kith and Kin should be the one to lead them or why shouldn’t their kinsman be the one to lead? This is so unfortunate coming at a time when other countries vote based on ideas and new visible strategies.

On the other hands, their debates should be respected because when a different region, religion or party has its candidate elected to an office, it is almost guaranteed that for the duration of the regime, there would be unsettled fracas and brouhaha. For some, the feelings of being marginalized affects their judgment towards what is fair and what is not.

Even though some political analysts believe it to be a political reality, President Buhari’s statement at the U.S Institute for peace about 95% and 5%, few weeks after being sworn in as the President, other politicians saw it as being politically incorrect. It might either be a perception or misconception, but some groups proclaim being marginalized by the APC-led Administration.

It was with great joy as yesterday, the President re-emphasized in strong terms that he would run an all-inclusive government. He assured Nigerians about his willingness to engage all parties in order to take the country to the Promised Land. This is not only meritorious but both positive and hopeful.
We do pray that the next four years should be the most irreproachable time to unite us.


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