Que sera, sera- By Sanni Inuwa Baba

In the grand tapestry of existence, the age-old adage "whatever will be, will be" resonates as a fundamental truth that often eludes our full comprehension. In our relentless pursuit of goals, there exists an inherent inclination to mandate outcomes, oblivious to the concept of "kaddara" or destiny.

Undoubtedly, the essence of achievement lies in earnest endeavors, yet a crucial facet that often escapes our conscious grasp is the profound role played by grace in our daily lives. While unwavering dedication propels us forward, it is imperative to harbor an awareness that, beyond our toil, there exists a force beyond our control.

Life, with its ebbs and flows, confronts us with moments where the fruits of our labor seem elusive, a bitter pill to swallow. The narratives of individuals abound – tales of sleepless nights, shattered hopes, and relinquished aspirations. Yet, amidst the struggle, there are those who persist in the face of adversity, experiencing the cyclical rhythm of falling and rising until they discover the elusive happiness that follows persistent trials.

Abun shi ne. there are instances where modest efforts yield extraordinary results in remarkably brief periods. The comparison of these contrasting journeys reinforces the belief that optimism should be our steadfast companion. While we diligently pursue our goals, it is paramount to acknowledge that some destinies are scripted differently.

Life, as a mosaic of experiences, encompasses stories of tenacity and surrender, hard-fought battles and accidental victories. Embracing the interplay of effort and acceptance of fate enriches our understanding of this intricate dance we call life. The duality of determination and destiny unfolds, inviting us to navigate the labyrinth of existence with an open heart and a resilient spirit.

In conclusion, our journey through life is a complex symphony, harmonizing the chords of our efforts with the mysterious rise and fall of destiny. While the pursuit of goals remains an essential part of our existence, the wisdom lies in recognizing the profound influence of forces beyond our control. The interweaving threads of hard work and grace create a fabric that tells the story of resilience, adaptability, and acceptance. Embracing the inevitability of life's uncertainties, we find solace in the understanding that some paths are meant to be winding, with peaks and valleys guiding us towards growth and self-discovery. Ultimately, it is in the delicate dance between striving for our aspirations and surrendering to the currents of fate that we uncover the true essence of our existence.


  1. This is an amazing piece! If only it can be published beyond this platform!

  2. This is remarkable. I share similar views of the world myself.

  3. Impressive. Totally agreed


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