Life isn’t fair at all. By Belinda Augustine


A story was told of a hunter boy and his dog who happened upon a trapped crocodile in the shore of an occean. It was unable to free itself nor get help from anyone. 
An old horse had earlier came by; "please horse, set me free. I am a mother who came out in search of food for my little ones, but got trapped" pleaded the crocodile. In response, the horse said "I am an old horse, I have worked for my master since I was born, but since I got old and became useless,my master set me free not minding how I will survive. Life isn't fair; that is the law of life" said the horse and walked away leaving the trapped crocodile. 
Next came a bird, the crocodile repeated it story. In response, the bird said "you see, I once had little ones, upon going out to find food for them, I came back and found an empty nest. A snake crawled up the tree and ate my little ones, life isn't fair; that's the law of nature". The bird flew away leaving the trapped crocodile. 
Then came the hunter boy,  the crocodile called out and narrated it ordeal, "oh, you have the heart of a mother, you don't deserve this, I will free you, but you must promise not to hurt me", said the boy, "how can I hurt my benefactor? I can't be that cruel, I promise not to hurt. Just free me already"  answered the trapped crocodile  . He bent down and freed the crocodile, but  the hunter boy was not to escape, the crocodile grabbed the boy by the leg about to drag him away. "No! don't do that, you promised not to hurt me, we had an agreement crocodile" shouted the exasperated boy. "You only eat where you see food, as you can see, I have the heart of a mother, I need to feed my little ones. Life isn't fair; that is the law of life", concluded the crocodile. 

A rabbit came by while the hunter boy was still pleading for his life, then the boy demanded that the crocodile wait so that they can ask the rabbit if crocodile is being fair and just. The boy narrated his story,  while he was still talking, the rabbit notice that the crocodile wasn't completely freed by the boy afterall. So the rabbit demanded that before passing judgement, crocodile may have to drop the boy, because with the boy in its mouth, rabbit could not  make out most things crocodile said. 
Crocodile decided to drop the boy while judgement takes place. Just then, rabbit signal the boy to run off which the boy did, so his life was saved. Unknown to the crocodile that it was still trapped, it made another attempt to grab the boy, but simply realized it was still trapped. 
It accused and cursed the rabbit of tricking it, "life isn't fair; that's the law of life", said the rabbit and walked away. While walking away, the hunter boy's dog jumped out from the bush, grabbed the rabbit and before the boy could realize it, the rabbit was dead. 
Saddened, "life isn't fair; that's the law of life. Said the boy, guilt was eating him up as he walked away.  

MORALS: Have you been or felt treated unfairly by your employer, parents/family, goverment, neighbors, friends? What about does that saw you in a  dire situation and walked passed without offering any form of comfort or help? Don't take it to heart, life is a vicious cycle, sometimes what goes around comes around, sometimes it never comes at all even if it goes round. The story above showed that each one of us at point in life or the other must get hurt or get treated unfairly. But whatever life takes from you, do not, I mean do not dwell on it, do not sulk for too long.  Once you are alive and healthy, pick yourself up and move on and watch. God who sees it knows it all. And guess what?  God  is in charge.-BELINDA AUGUSTINE


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