1st October and The Spirit of True Independence - by Sanni Inuwa Baba

Posterity frowns at those who are unfair to the extent of keeping history. Someone once said “He who forgets his history, lacks a future “. History provides the roadmap with which we transverse to the longitude and latitude of our destiny.
The Nigeria’s trajectory from 1914 where the almagamation of the two power blocks/protectorate actually took place till date is an awesome experience. This is a testament to the fact that God truly loves Nigeria.

Our long walk to freedom climaxed at a simple but solid and live-changing motion by Anthony Enahoro which ignited the burning passion for a sovereign united entity termed as Nigeria by Flora lugard.

The Nigeria Spirit from 1st October, 1960 was a positive spirit built on Unity, faith,Peace and progress. Our forefathers that crafted these core values meant well for Nigeria. But as it is with the case of every strategy, routine appraisal should indicate whether we are still on the part of unity or disunity, faith or disbelief, peace or conflict ,progress or reversal.

As a stakeholder in the Nigeria’s project, I have always spoken from the other side of the debate as far as restructuring is concern. Many think restructuring is a way of allocating so much power to the component parts of Nigeria entity. A closer perusal will convince such argument in my favor that restructuring is the way to enable:

1. Every participating Federal Unit ( PFU) generates more of its sustainability.
2. The PFU to contribute an agreed percentage for the running of the centre.

Few of the expected benefits are:

1. Efficiency in governance
2. Improve productivity
3. Encourage innovative leadership etc

1st of October symbolizes freedom and independence in its truest sense. If this was the motive for fighting for Nigeria’s independence, the spirit must be kept alive in ensuring every Nigerian benefits from the freedom our forefathers fought for.

I hereby call on all our compatriots to rise to the Nigerian spirit and celebrate the independence with the message of true freedom so that the labour of our heroes and heroines will not be in vain.

Long live The Federal Republic of Nigeria!


  1. Truly speaking young man, I love how you articulate your words. You inspire people. Always remember that

  2. Daidai ne wannan comrade

  3. Beautifully articulated


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