PMB and Mrs. PMB's Statements

I had actually not wanted to comment on the First family affair. I thought a family business should be discussed within the realm of the house, but in situation where pants are washed outside, the public has every right to tell where they have not been rinsed well.

The most interesting part is seeing how the youth critically take their time to analyse the whole incident. One would say some of them must have gone through each page of the Nigerian constitution but in some cases..., one wonders if some were thinking through their “yansh”

Waking up every morning for days and realizing the same thing trending on social media would break one’s heart. One would hope to log in and see youth discussing issues like - “way out of recession; how to end terrorism; drug abuse among youths especially in Northern Nigeria; rate of kidnappings and other unfortunate calamities needing urgent discuss.

However, I’m not ignoring the fact that what’s happening between the Buharis requires our observation.
Firstly, let me assume that the first lady and PMB were both right.

 If by any means, any person(s) has hijacked the steering of the Nation’s ship from the President, we should all be worried especially after being convinced that it was what made the two previous administrations to fail. It has been proven that cabals can only destroy not build. And speaking on the positive side of the president’s statement, marriage is literally an agreement between the two parties; hence I have less knowledge of theirs.

On contrary, a typical “Malo” person’s wife ends I n the kitchen, bedroom and if she’s lucky, the other rooms. A wife spends years with no job and no form of business activity. In any situation where the Husband loses his job or dies, children become “Almajirai” and roam about the streets for survival; many go into drug abuse and other unfortunate social misbehavior. Believe it or not, this is the Arewa of today.


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