When people think it’s illegal to ask or demand for good governance from its government because they will be viewed as being on the opposition or trying to bring the government down.
It is more worrisome when it comes to issues of religion. We become very blind and over-hyper when there’s a question of any form even when its being used as a tool to enslave citizens and also hold the whole nation to ransom.

Like nobody dares to ask why roads must be blocked Fridays and Sundays and makes it impossible for any security agency to take it as its responsibility to do what is expected by them in ensuring that lives are protected.

It will be considered controversial or even blasphemous to ask the worshipping centers to consider lowering their loud speakers by acknowledging their neighborhoods for good of humanity. By doing these simple things, we will all agree that we are at peace.

From my little knowledge, religion is not a contest. The relationship you have with your God must be treated personal. And I can assure you, God is more interested in how we treat ourselves.
The expectation that a specific preacher has more followers or more money, speaks more fluently or is more charismatic is the one closer to God is unfortunate, sad and pathetic. But hey, nobody should question a respected personality.


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